Selling on eBay Is As Much a Way to Live As It Is a Way to Earn a Living

power Sellers live a life that is different in many ways from the  lives other workers know. They work very long hours, but they choose which hours they work. They work hard to find and list the products they sell, but they get to immerse themselves every day in items they know and care about. There is no such thing as a Power Seller who is lukewarm about his business. There are many people who sell on eBay as a hobby or to bring in a little money, but if your goal is to become a Power Seller, accept that you will live, breathe, eat, and sleep eBay every day. Power Sellers often report that they have no vacation days. They can’t interrupt the flow of their operations long enough to have a stretch of time away from home and work. Sure, they have the flexibility to take the morning off to see their kids participate in the assembly at the elementary school, but you can be sure they’ll work later that night to make up the time they missed. E-mail must be answered every day. Products must be packaged and shipped.
Listings must be posted. Any day that is missing these activities is a day that cuts into the profits of a Power Seller’s business. You can be sure Power Sellers don’t miss too many days! On the other hand, this is a business that can still operate when you don’t feel well enough to go into an office among  other people. You can work in your pajamas if you choose. You can catch up on work during a patch of insomnia. Your freedom is as real as your responsibility and commitment are. That’s part  of the joy of owning your own business, especially on eBay.

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